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Showing posts from July, 2011

Vani Marshall The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is absolutely essential for healing to occur and for us to have any hope of becoming intimate with Christ.  I recommend this sermon for ALL, even those involved in AA, Alanon, SA, or any type of recovery program. As you listen things will come to your mind and you will be compelled to turn it off or FORGIVE!!

Daily Rhema?

A word of encouragement, a rhema, is not just the word of God, or an inspirational message, but a perfectly timed word straight from God, via someone else, a still small voice, the bible, etc...  It is when God is speaking directly to us something we desperately need to hear. This word isn't just available once a year, once a month, or even once a week.  It is available every day!  More than once a day!! The Israelites had manna every day and we too can have direction, instruction and encouragement from Jesus every single day. Let's not settle for a casual relationship with our savior, let's press toward an intimate relationship where he speaks to us every day.